1 For clients using Bank of America, NA to provide trust, fiduciary and investment management services, negotiation of management fees will be handled by Bank of America, NA and the investment manager.
2For clients where Bank of America, NA provides trust, fiduciary, and investment management services, the minimum is $20 million in combined assets at Merrill and Bank of America, NA.
The Merrill Lynch Investment Advisory Program is an investment advisory program sponsored by Merrill. Merrill offers a broad range of brokerage, investment advisory and other services. There are important differences between brokerage and investment advisory services, including the type of advice and assistance provided, the fees charged, and the rights and obligations of the parties. It is important to understand the differences, particularly when determining which service or services to select. All recommendations must be considered in the context of an individual investor’s goals, time horizon, liquidity needs and risk tolerance. Not all recommendations will be in the best interest of all investors. For more information about the Merrill Lynch Investment Advisory Program, including our fiduciary responsibilities, you may obtain a copy of the Merrill Lynch Investment Advisory Program Brochure by accessing the SEC website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.