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Important information about your choices and our relationship

We believe that the better informed you are, the better decisions you can make about what's right for you.

You have choices in how we work together, including how you receive advice, manage your account and pay for our services. Your advisor works with you to build a personalized approach to your investments based on your financial situation, preferences and goals. Your investment strategy can be implemented through an investment advisory account, brokerage account, or a combination of both.


We provide key resources and information to help you make informed decisions about your investments, taking into account the types of relationships you can have with us. You can review the applicable materials below to help you understand your options and how we charge for advice, services and solutions, and discuss them with your advisor.

The Client Relationship Summary

The Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS) provides an overview of the types of services you receive.


  • Our Relationship

    Information about fees, costs and conflicts of interest, and provides you with information about us and our relationship
  • Our Offerings

    Summary of our brokerage and investment advisory programs and offerings

Information about each type of relationship

What type of services do I receive?
What type of services do I receive?

Advice and guidance and ongoing monitoring of your investments, trade execution, and other advisory services

Access to investment recommendations, trade execution and research

Who makes the investment decisions?
Who makes the investment decisions?

Choice of whether you or your advisor manage the day-to-day investment decisions

You manage the day-to-day investment decisions and control trade authorizations

How do I pay for these services?
How do I pay for these services?

An annual fee based on a percentage of the assets in your account

Fees based on individual transactions and/or other sales charges

Where do I find more information?
Where do I find more information?

We also make available to certain clients the Strategic Portfolio Advisor Service (SPA) and Managed Account Service (MAS) investment advisory programs for certain investment situations. These programs provide access to certain investment strategies offered by a third-party investment manager under a separate agreement. Copies of the program disclosures and client agreements can be obtained from your Advisor if eligible.


Depending on your needs, you can also choose investment advisory services available through an online, interactive website, either on a self-guided basis or with assistance from Financial Solutions Advisors. These programs include Merrill Guided Investing with AdvisorMerrill Guided Investing and Merrill Edge Advisory Account (MEAA).


For more information

If you have any questions about the Form CRS or the Best Interest Disclosure Statement, please contact us at 800.MERRILL (800.637.7455).



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Wheel diagram showing solution categories that include Manage my personal finances, Borrow to fund my goals, Help grow my wealth, Save for the future, Protect my wealth, and Plan the impact of my wealth

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